Elementary text features games

ABCya.com | Kids Educational Computer.
Elementary Test Prep:ELA 4 (Grade 3).
29.11.2011 · Kathy Hasty Literacy Strategist Moseley Elementary School and Whitt Elementary School Grand Prairie ISD View my complete profile
The History of Soccer. Do you yawn during history classes? Well not anymore! Get ready to learn about the history of soccer with these fun and interesting facts!
Online Dr. Seuss games to reinforce the work of Dr. Seuss. Games teach various skills to children. This collection of kids games are good for elementary school age
Beauty And The Beast A Soccer Game - A Story Using Text.
Elementary Test Prep:ELA 4 (Grade 3).
Elementary text features games
What's Happening in Literacy: Expository.24.09.2012 · My 5th graders have been studying text features! We started off last week by looking at an article about a giant toad that had no text features, only words
ABCya.com is the leader in free educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn on the web. All children's educational computer

Visit English and math classrooms who have already begun to adapt to the new Common Core standards. See what changes teachers are making in their practice
ABCya.com | Kids Educational Computer.
Understand text features used to located specific information (subheading, titles, vocabulary, captions, charts, and illustrations)
Common Core State Standards: Elementary.
A Soccer Game - A Story Using Text.
What's Happening in Literacy: Expository.
Elementary text features games